Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Back *almost*

Funeral service, internment, and memorial dinner were yesterday.
Dennis also went back to work :(

Will be back soon.
Thanks for being patient.


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My apologies...

I'm sorry everyone...

My hubby is on vacation until next Monday and my very sweet, kind, and generous cousin died today. She had a stroke Saturday at 2:15 a.m. and never recovered. Her husband and daughters chose to remove life support at 5 p.m. this afternoon and she passed away peacefully surrounded by her dear family.

So please give me a few days as we go through funeral proceedings and I get things together.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Journaling Prompt *3*

In conjunction with this week's art journal prompt let's explore fear a bit...

Make a list of your fears and how they came to be.

The first step to concuring them is to acknowdledge them.
It's all about micromovements. I read this on Planet Sark a LONG time ago. And I utilize it in my everyday life. It works.


Art Journal - Prompt *4*

I have a lot of fears.

Plain and Simple.

I find it funny that as a child I was almost fearless but as I got older I became more aware of all the dangers and evils in and of this world. There are days I wish for the fearlessness of my youth. But today I want to acknowledge my greatest fear and set it free.

This weeks art journal prompt is you choose to accept it is:

Illustrate your single GREATEST fear.
Draw it. Photograph it. Paint it. Collage it. Whatever you choose.

Then journal all over it. Acknowledge it's power and set it free.

Face it and Release it

The End Results: Prompt *3*

I am so sorry about the lateness of this post. I totally didn't have time to post this weekend because Cameron woke up Friday morning really sick and running a fever. After a Doctor's visit and many changes of sheets and PJ's and little sleep, my wee one is feeling like his old self again.

After documenting an entire day of my life, I am more aware of how much I do and where I can probably make changes to better utilize my time. I really meant to list all the masks I wear but somewhere along the way my vision strayed and this was my end result.

I do have to say that this art journal experience has taught me one thing.
When I first start these pages I am not happy about them. Maybe I expect more, I don't know... But by the end I am happy with them. They make me feel like I have left a part of myself somewhere permanent. And that is a good thing.

No other submissions this week but that's OK. I started this on my own and I intend to carry on this journey.

So without further adieu here is my end result:

Friday, May 18, 2007

Journaling Prompt *2*

Flash back....

What did you...
Listen to?
Watch on TV?
Think you would be?

Leave your memory...go journal!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Journaling Prompt *1*

What are your best stress-busters?

List your top 10.
David Letterman-like and all :)